Store is back up

Greetings friends,

I’m pleased to announce the merch store is back up open for business! Some of you have expressed interest in it, so I’m delighted to finally make it available.

The primary motivation is to provide an avenue for those who enjoy my work to offer support, should you feel so inclined. I’m honored to provide a means for you to sport my brand, if you find it appealing. This also grants me more autonomy instead of relying solely on sites like Etsy, Gumroad or Artstation. One never knows how such platforms may evolve in the future.

Allow me to describe the products…

Currently there are some charming Mr. Doll shirts and stickers on offer. I must confess those simply emerged organically from illustrations I was crafting. Moving ahead, I aim to be more thoughtful by planning product releases, even if merely one item at a time. I admire how brands like Johnny Cupcakes methodically unveil new merchandise. Attempting to emulate such cadence seems a worthwhile pursuit.

I’m also judiciously increasing my collection of cartographic digital assets, including brushes, pngs and textures. I originally produced those for personal projects but opted to release them to other designers and hobbyists with an affinity for fictional and fantasy maps, like myself.

A subscription did not seem prudent…

I contemplated establishing a Patreon, Ko-fi or some variety of monthly subscription platform. However, in candor, that model does not align with my creative process. Much of the time I’m working on projects I cannot divulge prematurely. I do not generate new material with consistent monthly regularity either. I tend to flit between personal endeavors as my full-time occupation takes priority. Nonetheless, I’m optimistic this store and website will assist me in steadily creating and unveiling more of the passion projects I’ve too long neglected.

What is 90M Studio?

You may have noticed a few changes, especially if you follow my updates. I adopted the 90M Studio moniker in lieu of Cuban Nerd for pragmatic legal reasons. However, Cuban Nerd shall remain my personal design and development journal.

I appreciate your gracious flexibility during this transition! My commitment to crafting enjoyable goods for discerning patrons like yourself remains unchanged. Please advise if you have any other inquiries!